Dr. Shakir Muhammad
Dr. Shakir Muhammad
Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan



Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS) Beijing China




Remote Sensing of Environment, Climate change, Land use Land Cover Change, Agriculture and Forestry.


Computer Expertise: Google earth Engine, Matlab, Python, Analysis of hyper-temporal big data using Google Earth Engine.

Work experience:



Carried out field surveys for crop damage assessment in the lower Indus Basin due to 2010 and 2011 floods.



Worked on the agriculture policy and crops of China Xinjiang Province.

Carried out extensive field surveys and work with the department of statistics and ministry of agriculture and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Worked on the Crop land Data layer (CDL) generated by United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the classification of crops in different states.

Developed an innovative technique to identify crops and crop acreage for any specified area.


Collaborated with the university of Matto Groso Brazil in a soybean mapping project.

Developed a new way of identification of Soybean on specie level using remote sensing and field data.


Worked with the University of Manchester and CABI international on mapping/identification of Parthenium in Pakistan.


Working with Auckland University of Technology on marine plastic mapping using Remote sensing data collected from UAV (Drones).