Dr. Chunfeng Xiao
Dr. Chunfeng Xiao
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN), Beijing, China
Cover Person of World Journal of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Chunfeng Xiao (Alfred Shaw) is a psychiatrist and medical editor with expertise in Psychiatry & Mental Health. He serves as editorial member and expert reviewer in several national & international peer-reviewed journals, online academic editor of World Journal of Clinical Cases and Bentham Science Ambassador of Bentham Science Publishers ((former)), and junior ambassador of Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). His research involving the psychological impact of global public health emergencies (particularly of infectious disease pandemic) led to his role as Organizing Committee Member for the Coronavirus and Research conference (March 29-30, 2021, Rome, Italy). He is the sole inventor of structured letter therapy (SLT), a novel approach to consultation on COVID-19-related psychological and mental problems that is expected to become a bond of transition from traditional psychiatry to digital psychiatry. During his working career as a medical editor with more than 100 articles published online (word counts: nearly 200,000 until May 2020), he has been dedicated to achieving the goal of medical information sharing without doctor-patient border.