Prof. Lu Hua Chen
Prof. Lu Hua Chen
University of Hong Kong, China
标题: The Impacts of Bullying on Mental Health and Well-being in Adolescents
Accumulating evidence has indicated that bullying experience, for example in school, is associated with mental health problem. It is found that peer victimization in childhood, particularly if it is chronic or severe, may gradually lead to psychosis in adolescence. A dose-response positive relationship between childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms has been suggested, with the psychotic symptoms increasing in line with the increased levels of bullying experience. Moreover, early traumatic events are also related to the development of psychotic symptoms in later adulthood. The short-term and long-term impacts of bullying on mental health and well-being will be reviewed and further discussed.
Dr. Lu Hua Chen is currently a researcher in the Psychology Department at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Her research interests are to identify social and environmental risk factors in psychological problems by focusing on neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. She has been awarded a number of prizes, like the “Best Free Paper Award” in Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists International Mental Health Congress, the “Best Free Paper Award” in the Chinese Dementia Research Association Annual Scientific Meeting, and the “Best Paper Award” in the Hong Kong Croucher Foundation Conference.