Prof. Johnston HC Wong
Prof. Johnston HC Wong
Beijing Normal University Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), Hong Kong (China)
标题: Older People friendly social and physical environment
Born in Hong Kong and educated by the La Salle’s Brothers, Johnston started a career in social work and social management. He has extensive experiences in applying case, group and community approaches to youth work, family life education, school social work, civic education and health education.  He has taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and acted as administrators in schools and healthcare organizations. 

He is one of the founders and now Member of Board of Directors of the Social Workers Across Borders. Began from the services in the fishermen village of Khao Lak (Thailand) hit by the Asian Tsunami in 2005, he was deeply involved in post disaster social work projects after the Sichuan Earthquake 2008, the Taiwan Morokat Typhoon 2009, the Shanghai Fire 2010 and the North East Japan Tsunami.  

His major research interests are Gracefully aging, Service learning, Positive psychology, Industrial social services, health and mental health services and disaster social work.